Review: Vax S3S+ Hard Floor Advance+ Steam Mop

10 Assembly
7 Instructions
9 Build Quality
10 Weight
9 Results

For a while now I have been hearing great things about steam mops such as their germ killing ability and the removal of tough stains and odours, so I jumped at the chance to try out the latest model from VAX; the S3S+Hard Floor Advance+.



This is the box the S3S+ comes in, it looks fairly bulky but in fact is fairly compact and could easily be lifted by an elderly person.


The contents from the box; the main unit, base and cleaning unit, handle, measuring jug and detergent. You will notice (through the terrible picture quality – sorry ) that there is a little card attached to the handle, this is the only instruction manual contained within the packaging, and whilst it is a fairly simple device to get up and working I have no doubt some people would get confused by them, and its a real shame that the full instructions have been placed online only, especially when many of the purchases of this may be elderly and lack internet knowledge/connection.

Building the S3S+ is a fairly simple undertaking, click the handle into the top of the unit, and then click the main unit into the base and voila you should have something that looks like this:


Cute huh? then using the trusty measuring cups I added plain water and a diluted detergent solution to the twin tanks, this is super easy just remember to check which screw cap you took from which tank as they don’t fit each others, then connect the S3S+ to the power, switch on and 15 seconds later you will see a display like this:


Now you are ready to get steaming – the blue light indicates the power, the green one indicates its ready to provide steam. I didn’t time how long it took for the ready light to come on but I think it was actually less than the 15 seconds the instruction manual described. Once you are up and ready to go your final task is to select which floor type you will be cleaning from a choice of 4: Tiles, Lino, Laminate and Wood, this is the area I am going to clean:


The picture doesn’t do it justice, this is a heavy traffic area just inside the front door which gets covered in mud, rainwater and also my dog likes to spend his time out there so quite a challenge for the S3S+


This is the same area after using the S3S+, I did an initial pass over which removed the majority of dirt, but I also took off the head (done by putting your foot on the device and pulling) to utilise the hard scrubbing head, this removed everything I could see with the naked eye and also left the whole area smelling citrus fresh. The picture doesn’t really show it off in its best light so you will just have to trust me in saying it is much cleaner.


The Vax S3S+ Hard Floor Advance Steam Mop is a great machine, its quick to get going, does a fantastic job and dries so much faster than a conventional mopped floor, plus the added comfort of being 99.9% bacteria free and the lovely fragrance left behind make it a winner.

Vax S3S+ Hard Floor Advance Steam Mop is available from all major retailers and direct from at RRP £99.99

Click here to buy.

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  1. says: sarah

    Thank you for a great review and helping me make a decision in the mind field of steamers …. Argos have the Vax s3s on offer for £59.99