How to Shift Your Work/Life Balance in Your Favour

Most people dream about winning the lottery and being able to retire. You could go on long holidays, spend time on hobbies or simply enjoy a more relaxed pace of life. You may never achieve this dream, but you can certainly learn how to shift your work/life balance in your favour. Here are four tips on how to do it.

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Question Yourself

If you are working too hard, then ask yourself why? If you have a project deadline or you are working towards a promotion, it may be that you have to burn the midnight oil for a few weeks. However, if you are not working towards a goal and job overload has become a way of life to you then you will soon become burnt out and you need to question how much you are prepared to sacrifice for your career.

Do Something You Enjoy

If you find that you no longer enjoy the job you are doing, it may be time to rethink your career. You could be feeling overloaded because you haven’t found a job you really love. Think about what would make you happy. Do you want a change of career, or would taking up something you enjoy outside work fulfil you and make you take time out to spend doing it?

Many people choose to do a side hustle to get away from concentrating on their day jobs. That way your career doesn’t have to be your main way of bringing in money. If you want to be more creative, there are plenty of arts and crafts that can be made and sold in your spare time. This can be therapeutic and invigorating. If you love fashion but work as an accountant, for example, then starting your own online fashion boutique could be the way to go. All you need to do is find a reputable online clothes warehouse UK such as Stylewise Direct. With Stylewise Direct, you can get top-quality merchandise at exceptionally good prices, add your own stamp, and then sell it on in your spare time. Thus, making fantastic use of your flare for fashion.

Learn to Say No

You can often achieve a better work/life balance by learning to say no more. You might love your job but being the dumping ground for work other people don’t want to do is going to get you down. Your boss may be dumping this on you because you are a people pleaser and don’t like to say no. Changing this could make a great deal of difference to your job and your work/life balance.


If you are trying to take on too much work yourself, it may be time to try delegating. You can be your own worst enemy if you don’t feel that others can do the job as well as you can, and this can lead you to overloading yourself. However, give someone else a chance to do some of your tasks and they may surprise you with their ability. Delegation means that you might get to leave the office on time for once.

Follow these four tips to help you achieve better work/life balance and give yourself some downtime too. You will certainly feel healthier for it.

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