Advertorial and Sponsored Content
Please note: You may occasionally see sponsored posts appear across the magazine. Whilst we try to limit the use of adverts as much as possible, when they are used, we make every effort to ensure that they appear in a format that is both relevant and engaging for our reader-base. When you see Advertorial or AD within our copy before the main body of the article it simply means that a company has paid us a small fee in return for displaying their information (or product) with an article or that we have received a press sample. We still have full creative control over our sponsored/AD posts and ensure that they are in-keeping with our readers interests. You may also occasionally see the use of Ad or #ad next to affiliate links for further transparency. See below for more on affiliate links.
Gifted products – Some of the products that you read about across the website may have occasionally been provided by companies on a complimentary press gifting basis for review or feature. If an item has been gifted to us by a brand we always ensure that we still have full creative control over the content and that all opinions are our own. Please note that gifting of product does not guarantee inclusion or review. Samples are sent ‘for consideration’ only and only products that we feel are of genuine interest to our readers will be included within our coverage.
Affiliate links
We do also use affiliate links and sponsored links in some of our posts. Affiliate links mean that if you choose to purchase an item via our link, we receive a small payment from this sale. This is usually only a few pennies and does not add any additional charge to your purchase. You will find a disclaimer at the end of our posts and before the main body of the article for full transparency when affiliate links are present. You may also occasionally see the use of Ad or #ad next to affiliate links for further transparency.
Mailing lists, reader giveaways and social media
We occasionally reward our readers with competitions/giveaways. If you are one of our competition winners we will request permission for your name and address to be used only to send you your prize. This information will not be stored or passed on to any other companies or individuals without your full permission.
Opinions and content
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All content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only. The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site. The owner will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information nor for the availability of this information. The owner will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information.