How to help yourself and others by selling clothes

There’s no getting away from the fact that lots of people in the UK are finding themselves in a tighter spot, with the cost of living crisis meaning many are starting to struggle to get by.

It was similar during the coronavirus pandemic, when the side hustle started to emerge as hobbies and passions turned into potential new careers.

If you want to start trying to raise your income for yourself or so that you can help others, selling clothes is a good place to start.

Why clothes?

We all have them and need them!

The demand for pre-loved fashion has surged upwards with people trying to be a bit thriftier. It’s also a great way of being sustainable because you’re keeping clothes out of landfill and prolonging their lifespan.

Where to start?

The best thing to do is sort through your wardrobe and pick out anything you haven’t worn for a long time, doesn’t fit, or you simply don’t like – our tastes change all the time, after all.

Once you’ve done that, consider heading to local charity shops to see if you can find anything you could resell at a higher price. Keep an eye out for any designer names at bargain prices.

You could also invest in items that are likely to increase in value in the future. Football shirts from well-known teams will no doubt appreciate as time goes by – particularly if they are kept in pristine condition.

Where to sell?

There are a variety of places you can sell second-hand clothes, but some platforms may be better suited to particular items than others.

Listing items on eBay is helpful if you feel they could be valuable but aren’t too sure what to price them at. Lots of sports memorabilia is sold on this auction site, so you’ll definitely be putting that in front of an interested audience.

Depop is good for your designer clothes – though you’ll need to research how much similar items are going for to ensure you list them at realistic prices.

For things you don’t think will be worth a lot, use Vinted. The best thing about this platform is that, unlike with eBay and Depop, you don’t have to pay any fees on items you sell – that’s covered by the buyer instead.

Where next?

It’s easy to get the bug and enjoy searching out bargains that you can then sell on for a profit. If you think you’ve got a knack for it and have built up some tidy profits, you could look into going directly to second-hand clothing wholesalers.

However, purchasing wholesale can require a significant investment. It’s something to only consider if you can comfortably afford it.

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