Home Office Décor and Beauty Storage

One of my New Year’s resolutions was to become more organised. Currently this is involving making lots of lists and buying vast amounts of storage to sort out and de-clutter the house and my office. It’s surprisingly fun! Maybe I’m a little bit twisted somewhere deep down inside?

If you are looking for some inspiration for home office décor and beauty storage then take a look through my own personal home office gallery.

I’ve included some snaps of the various products I’m using right now and how my attempts at becoming more organised are going so far. It’s early days but I must confess that I’m already feeling much more productive!

You can click on the images in the gallery for their full sized versions and as you can see, I have had a massive clear out of all of my old products and now have loads of room in my perspex drawers to build up a collection of items that I love.

The perspex drawers themselves came from Staples and were such a fantastic find! I had been lusting over the Kardashians famous beauty storage solutions for ages and those were what I had in mind when I first started to plan my office layout. My budget wouldn’t stretch to those crazy prices though so I improvised and headed to Staples to investigate other options. The ones I have are 3 tier A4 paper trays stacked directly on top one another and small perspex drawers. Although you could use them for office supplies they work perfectly for the use I had in mind! They are sturdy, well made and will hold plenty of beauty products as my collection grows.


You can find them here: www.staples.co.uk


I got my fabulous, huge and quite apt ‘More Issues than Vogue’ poster from The Motivated Type and although it took a little longer than I expected to arrive, it was well worth the wait and looks perfect in a simple black frame that I bought separately.


My bracelet display holder in white, came from ebay and my beautiful, stunning and gloriously unusual stag heads came from Graham and Green a place where I could spend millions I’m sure!

All in all (given that it’s still a long way off being finished) I’m loving how clean, organised and stylish everything looks. I promise to take some updated photos when I finish the room and in the meantime feel free to share your storage, style and organisational tips with me in the comments!

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