The Secret To Staying Fresh And Fabulous In Any Weather: Layering Like a Pro

Most people welcome the hot weather when it finally arrives. After many months of cold and dark, it’s a fun time to strip off and catch some sun rays. 

But there’s a problem: staying fresh in hot weather isn’t always easy. And the problem is even worse if you live in a changeable climate. You never know what’s going to happen next. You feel boiling until the sun goes down, and then temperatures start to plummet. 

That’s where laying like a pro can help. Once you understand the basic principles, you can maintain the proper temperature for your body no matter what’s going on with the weather. 

Start With Thin, And Then Move To Thick

When layering, wear the thinnest garment closest to your skin, and the thickest on the outside. This approach lets you calibrate temperature better. Thin layers, like tunics for women, are excellent at expelling heat when you get too hot, while thicker layers are awesome for keeping it in when you get cold. Doing it the other way around simply doesn’t make sense. 

Choose The Correct Fabrics

The next step is to choose the correct fabrics for each layer. You want breathable, moisture-wicking materials that help you stay cool when you need to, and warm up otherwise. 

Avoid anything that makes you sweat or feel suffocated. Choose warm, dry, and durable clothing for your outer layers to protect you from the wind and cold. 

The best fabrics are:-


  • Cashmere
  • Wool
  • Leather
  • Denim
  • Silk
  • Linens
  • Cotton


You can experiment with linens for your underlayers and cotton for your outer layers. Cashmere is an extra soft wool-like option if you want warmth close to your skin. 

Check The Proportions

Next, make sure the proportions of your clothes make sense once you start layering. Wearing a long blouse with a short leather jacket doesn’t look right and could cause problems. Ideally, you want layers that complement each other and create a harmonious look. For instance,  you can pair a cropped sweater with a longer shirt underneath, or a fitted jacket with a loose dress underneath. These types of combinations look stylish and help everything blend together more seamlessly. 

Choose More Versatile Pieces

The next rule of layering is to choose versatile pieces that can work in multiple situations. You want a clothes wardrobe with multiple pieces that are easy to mix and match, where you can transition from day to night, from casual to formal, and from summer to winter. 

While this might sound challenging, it is actually significantly easier than you might think. Combining scarves, hats, boots, cardigans, and even trench coats together can make a tremendous difference in how you look and feel. 

Experiment With Colors And PatternsLastly, you might want to have a bit of fun when layering clothing. Experimenting with colors and patterns helps to keep your look fresh and always gives you something interesting to show off if you ever decide to do anything. It also makes layering more interesting, meaning you always have something exciting to wear.

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