We are finally beginning to see the back of the colder weather and everyone wants to look and feel their best for when the summer sunshine finally arrives. One thing we can all do for our health and well-being is to get the best night sleep possible. So with that in mind, you can find some of my top tips on how to achieve the best quality sleep below. Let me know if you have any to add. I would love to hear them!
Disclaimer: AD: post in collaboration with The Sleep Station. We have full creative control over content.
Limit your screen time – one thing that I have found helpful when struggling with sleep issues is to limit my screen time before going to bed. Children and adults alike all need time for their brain to start switching off before they curl up for the night. If you have younger children or teens then imposing a ‘curfew’ or ‘shut-off’ time for when any devices need to be turned off by can really help them. The same goes for us adults. If (like me) you’ve been guilty of staying up late watching videos on your mobile, or scrolling through your social media channels, then perhaps it’s time to have a re-think. Try a relaxing bath with bath bombs or bubble bath instead, or curling up with a good book.
Make your bed your cosy place – one reason some of us don’t get the best night sleep possible is that we may not be comfortable. Why not try replacing your duvets and pillows for something super comfy? If your bed feels like a fluffy cloud that you want to sink into each night, you’ll definitely be relaxed! If your bed itself is the problem then find the right bed for you. Sleeping with more space at night is one of the best ways to ensure that you don’t disturb your partner. A king size divan bed from the Sleep Station is the perfect choice for an upgrade!
Relaxing scents and fragrances – if falling asleep is difficult then you could try looking at relaxing body lotions or sleep sprays. A good sleep spray can be spritzed onto your pillow and a lot of people claim that it helps them totally unwind as they drift off. I’m a huge fan of these and am always on the lookout for products that work so leave a comment if you’ve found something you swear by.
Massage – massage can be a great way to relax before going to sleep. If you can persuade your other half to give you a relaxing massage before bed then you are definitely going to find it easier to sink into a restful slumber. A good arm massage or head massage is something that can be easily learned and is always going to win you brownie points!
Restful sounds – my husband finds it relaxing to fall asleep listening to a radio or an app with rainfall sounds or other relaxing noises. This one is a bit hit and miss as it depends on whether you find this distracting or relaxing but it is definitely worth a try!