Preparing an Easter Dinner

easter dinner

Easter is almost here and if you are thinking about preparing an Easter dinner then we have a few simple tips for you that will help keep things running smoothly when the family gathers together.

Disclaimer: AD: post in collaboration with Graig Farm. We have full creative control over content.

Prep in advance – one thing to consider when preparing your Easter dinner is how much time you have and how much you can prep in advance. If you can, think about preparing veggies and potatoes the night before. It’s amazing how much time this will save you on the day of cooking. Things like carrots, greens and potatoes can be prepped and kept in cold water/in the fridge if you are short on time. If you are serving a selection of cold cuts then you can even cook your meat the day before, let it cool and then pop it into the fridge ready to slice the next day. Just remember to check standard food safety advice.

High-quality produce – If you really want to wow your lunch guests then spend some time thinking about finding high-quality and locally sourced produce. Nothing makes a meal more extra special than having the best ingredients on your plate! Organic lamb from Graig farm is the perfect choice for Easter dinner. Going organic is something we are definitely doing more of when it comes to cooking meals in our house. Everything tastes so much better and it is so important to know where your food is coming from these days.

Keep a tidy work space – if you’ve been watching Marie Kondo tidying tips lately then you’ll already be well aware of how life changing it can be to keep things tidy in the home. One thing I always find helps me be more efficient when cooking is to clear up everything as I go. Keep your food waste boxes on hand ready to throw away the peelings as you go and try doing smaller batches of washing up, rather than leaving a giant mess until the end! Chances are that after you’ve finished all of your food prep, the last thing you’ll want to do is tackle a mountain of dishes all in one go!

Get the family involved – it may not always seem like the most fun and family friendly time, but cooking a meal together can be a great way of spending time with the family. Why not gather the family together with a glass of something special and all pitch in. It’s a great way to chat, have a giggle and prep the food at the same time. Many hands make light work and by chipping in together you can really take some time off of the Easter dinner cooking process. This works just as well for cooking those romantic date night meals too!

Hopefully you’ve found this article helpful. Don’t forget to let us know if you have any more cooking tips and read our food column for lots more exciting content!

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