How I’m Starting 2020 With A More Relaxed And Positive Mindset


I don’t know if anyone else agrees, but 2020 seems like an important year. Just the date itself sounds futuristic and meaningful. For me, this year is set to bring about some changes. Nothing dramatic or life changing in groundbreaking ways. Instead just a few small changes that I intend to implement and behavioural patterns to correct throughout this year and onward.

March 2020 edit: this post was obviously written pre-covid-19! *sigh*

Meal prep and healthier eating – I have spoken about meal prep and how I am starting to ensure that the food and drink I grab on-the-go is easier and healthier for me. Whilst I have no intention of giving up the weekend treats, occasional takeaways or glass (read as : bottle) of Chardonnay from time to time, I will be making a conscious effort to make it easier to choose healthy options. Having a good selection of prepped foods in my fridge is one of the ways that I’ve found helpful so far.

Family time – working in this industry is one of my great loves. However, it can be demanding in ways that those who don’t work in this field may never understand. The need to be ‘connected’ to your brand at all times is a scary thing. As writers, journalists, bloggers and digital creators we always feel the need to keep an eye on our websites and social media. This year I intend to give myself regular breaks where I allow myself to become more present with my friends and family. Dinners with friends, date nights with the husband and family movie time are all examples of occasions where I can and should ensure that my phone is not constantly in use.

Toxic friendships and acceptable behaviour – I truly believe that the past few years have taught me a lot about what I choose to accept as part of my friendships. I’ve been through certain levels of abusive, toxic and manipulative behaviour from people I once trusted in my life. Now I need to learn to acknowledge when things are causing me more heartache than they are worth and when friendships have become one-sided. I have a loving family, a loyal and devoted husband and some pretty amazing friends. It’s time to let go of the people who caused me pain and stop giving them power. I may never be able to trust people fully, but I can try to work harder on the genuine connections I make and to let people in a little more.

Relaxation – taking more time to genuinely relax is so important. During 2020 I fully intend to take more time for myself. I’m going to read more books, go for long walks on the amazing beach that’s right on my doorstep, treat myself to a massage occasionally (Aqua Sana is amazing for this) and actually let myself soak everything in.

I’ll add more to this as I think of them! For now, I would love to hear what your 2020 mindset is? Let me know in the comments or over on my Instagram.

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