Why age is no barrier to travelling 


Travelling has long been reserved for younger generations, with the humble gap year seen as a right-of-passage but travelling shouldn’t be reserved for the young. In fact, here’s why we think travelling, like a fine wine, gets better with age.  

You can travel in style 

Sure, travelling on a red-eye, over-crowded mode of public transport is great when you’re younger, but when you’re older you tend to have the means to splash out on your travel. And travelling to the destination can often become part of the experience. Get your journey off on the right foot with a web duo train ticket to the airport before spending time relaxing in the members lounge and get ready to board your flight feeling ready and raring to go.  

You can go anytime 

Unlike when you’re younger and your travel dates need to fit around school and university terms and holidays are limited to work entitlement, when you’re older you no longer have these considerations. You can travel when it suits you – and when the prices are cheaper. And when life is, overall, a little less hectic.  

You know what you want 

With age comes wisdom, and that wisdom comes in knowing what you like and what you want out of your travel experience. Why waste your time going to a cosmopolitan city when you know you prefer beautiful scenery, prefer beaches to museums, or action-packed adventures to sedate sightseeing?  

You can afford to go all out 

Staying in a hostel when you’re younger is great for saving cash and meeting like-minded people, but when you’re older you have the wear with all to stay in nicer surroundings – without compromising on experiences.  

You can enjoy dinner in the Michelin starred restaurant, or perhaps enjoy a better seat at the theatre. Unlike the gap year experience of having to choose between once in a lifetime experiences, travelling when you’re older affords you the chance to enjoy all the sights instead of having to pick and choose.  

You can ditch the phone 

There’s more and more research highlighting that younger generations are addicted to smartphones and show signs of anxiety when they are parted from their device, or are unable to access social media channels. When you’re older however, you realise that staying connected to the outside world isn’t as necessary. You can travel without the need to post a picture to prove you went somewhere. You are able to switch off and enjoy where you are – in the now.  


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