When Was The Last Time You Rocked Out? Surprising Wellness Benefits

Teenagers rock out all the time. They get together, strum some guitars, thrash the drums, and shout obscenities into a microphone. 

But as we get older, this energy seems to leave us. We spend less time rocking out and more time working out, or just plain old working. 

Is that really a good way to live your life? 

When you observe hunter-gatherer tribes, you soon discover that rocking out is nearly as old as humanity itself. Sure, they don’t have Led Zeppelin riffs and electric guitars, but the essence of what they’re doing looks eerily similar. 

Did you know that the average member of remote tribes only spends four to six hours working a day? The rest of the time, they’re engaged in talking, partying, and “exuberant dancing.” 

If you watch them closely, you can see they’re having the same experience as metalheads at a grunge fest. They’re bobbing up and down and really getting into it. 

Most Western adults, though, haven’t rocked out in years. Replacing radiators in the dining room and filling out tax returns seem to be more important for some reason. Life takes on an unnecessarily serious tone. 

That’s why many older rockers are getting back into the groove. Sure, music from Nickelback or the Stone Roses might sound a little dated, but it’s still enough to bring back some of the magic.

What’s more, there’s such a range of rock. There’s everything from the soft rock of Texas to the ridiculous, piledriver-style sounds of Cannibal Corpse. 

There’s also quite mellow rock, like some of the stuff from Metallica or the odd riff here and there from Red Hot Chilli Peppers. 

What Are The Benefits Of Rocking Out?

People who fail to rock out from time to time are, unfortunately, missing out on one of life’s biggest pleasures. They may also deprive themselves of other benefits, too, such as the well-known well-being effects of music. 

Music Is Medicine

Hippocrates might have said “Let medicine be thy food, and food thy medicine,” but it turns out he could have substituted the word “music” as well. Listening to incredible jams and tracks releases dopamine in the brain, a feel-good neurotransmitter that can have remarkable effects on your emotions. That’s one of the reasons you feel great when you listen to your favorite tunes. Your brain is releasing all these bliss-bringing chemicals which you can usually only get after exercise (of one kind or another). 

Interestingly, researchers believe music might be one of the most effective ways to counter depression. Pleasant musical notes travel directly to the pleasure centers of the brain, bypassing all the frontal neocortex which is responsible for causing so much pain.

It also reduces stress and anxiety, which is why rocking out is a good after-work option. It’s something everyone should be doing. 

Science backs this up. Studies have shown that listening to music can reduce stress, improve mood, boost creativity, and even enhance memory. Moreover, if you’re brave and decide to sing along or play an instrument, you can also improve your breathing, posture, and coordination. 

It Brings Back Memories

Rocking out also has a way of transporting you back in time to the place where you first heard the music. It’s like having your very own time capsule. 

For instance, it might take you back to the time when you bought your first drum beat machine and started jamming along to it. Or it could remind you of your stay at university or college. 

Whatever it is, it can bring up all sorts of nostalgia and leave you looking back with rose-tinted spectacles. So why not take a trip down memory lane and listen to the songs that bring back fond memories?

It Helps You Rediscover Yourself

As we go through adulthood, we tend to lose track of who we are. Our identities get mashed up with our professional careers and success. When before we thought about fun and love, but now we think about money and status. 

That’s where rocking out can help. It’s a pathway to rediscover yourself. Think about it: we all have a favorite genre, artist, or song that speaks to us on a deeper level. When we listen to music, we are tapping into our emotions and connecting with ourselves. We just can’t get that from other forms of entertainment. They’re not the same because they are less visceral. 

But there’s an even deeper reason why rocking out helps you to rediscover yourself. It tells you about your likes, dislikes, and values. Remember, the whole community has a certain set of assumptions and tastes. And these go along with what it means to be a rocker. 

It Lets You Create Connections

There’s another benefit of listening to music: its ability to help bring people together. People who love rock tend to cling to each other and have strangely similar outlooks on life. 

Going to a festival or concert is an opportunity to make new friends with people from different backgrounds. Sharing songs and sample tracks we make in our music studios is also a good way to form relationships with others. Rock is a genre that crosses cultural barriers and brings people together. 

It’s Inspirational

Finally, rocking out is an inspirational experience. It’s something that can help push you toward the things you want to achieve in life. For instance, it’s much easier to go to the gym with Motorhead blazing in your ears than just powering through it yourself. The whole experience changes tremendously. Rock music can be a source of passion and helps you transcend limiting boundaries. 

Why Is Rock So Enduring?

Rock music has been a part of popular culture since the 1950s. Granted, it sounded a little different back then, but it’s developed tremendously over the years.

Most people think rock really got going with Chuck Berry and Elvis Presley. It then moved onto heavier and punkier styles in the 1970s and 1980s as new instruments made it possible to generate new sounds. Alternative and indie rock came along later to cater to different tastes and saturate the market. 

However, running through history doesn’t quite explain why rock is so enduring. What is it about this genre that has kept it going for so long? And why have many of the greatest artists in history borrowed from it to create their music? 

Part of it comes down to the sheer energy of going to a rock concert. Being in a crowd of thousands of people listening to musicians on stage can be an exhilarating experience. Plus, it helps the performers. Freddie Mercury was famous for singing well when the crowd was pumped, and terribly when the atmosphere was bad. 

Another reason for rock’s long and enduring history is how it captures the feelings of listeners. Whether it’s the distorted guitar riffs of a classic Black Sabbath track or the heartfelt lyrics of a modern indie ballad, rock music has the power to evoke a range of emotions that can be both cathartic and transformative. It’s like a balancing rod in a world that seems engulfed in chaos, even compared to just ten years ago. 

So, Should You Be Rocking Out? 

Of course, rock isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, as the British like to say. But you don’t have to be a rock aficionado to appreciate what it gives the world. It’s worth just taking some time to think about when the last time you let loose was, and if you’ve lost a part of yourself in the interim. The music isn’t as important as the experience.

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