With all of us leading such busy, hectic lifestyles, it’s often easy to resort to the bog standard flowers and a card on Mother’s Day. There’s not anything wrong with that at all, but if time is an issue for you, we wanted to show that you can still make a real effort to impress mum this Mother’s Day and put together a simple and delicious meal on a budget, within an hour.
Marks & Spencer kindly provided us with a £25 voucher to test our theory that anyone can put together a quick and easy Mother’s Day meal, no matter how busy they are.
As you can see from the images above, we went for the most simple and tasty option that we could think of and aimed to create a meal that was full of flavour but required minimal effort! This really did fit the bill. The Sicilian Inspired Sausage Pasta and Focaccia Crostoni was rich, tasty and full of texture. We served with a slice of Char-grilled Pepper and Cheese Twist for an extra treat and a side of fresh green beans.
In a bid to spoil mum this Mother’s Day, we decided than rather than going with one big desert, we would choose a variety of M&S mini deserts. These are all so beautiful and delicious, our main task was trying to decide what to go for. I can safely say I want to try them ALL *drools*
In the end, we opted for Vibrant Mini Macaroons, Key Lime Pie Deserts and Neapolitan Mousse. This resulted in an array of colours, flavours and gorgeous light and fluffy textures that were an absolute joy to devour!
Hopefully we’ve inspired you to treat your mum to even the simplest of meals this Mother’s Day and save her from the hassle of cooking for once? If you are after some more ideas, take a look at the recipe below from M&S for a scrummy gluten free Chocolate Torte.