Cheaper Ways to Get a Gorgeous Hairstyle

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Tired of spending your hard-earned money to glam up your hair? You’re not alone. Many people believe they spend a little too much on their hair. Unfortunately, they also think the only way to save up the money is to let everything loose. This isn’t true. 

With as little as a pair of hair cutting scissors, a few minutes, some creativity and a few tips, you can put together some amazing hairstyles that will make you the talk of the town without spending a small fortune on a hairdresser. 

Just because you’re looking to save up doesn’t mean you can’t look good. Here are some great ways to save up on your hair makeover and still get some gorgeous hair and hairstyles.

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Scale back on the luxury hair products 

If you think your hairdresser is milking you dry, try summing up the amount of money you use on your hair care products.

In addition to the damage to your finances, the chemical-based products also take a toll on your hair. You’re better off with home remedies that will take good care of your hair and your pockets. 

Common products like baking soda and coconut oil have been a staple in home-based hair care for many years. They will give you a thick head of healthy, shiny and bouncy hair that is easy to take care off and style. 

One of the best remedies that are often recommended by stylists is using a mixture of a tablespoon of baking soda and two tablespoons of white vinegar regularly for healthy looking hair. 

Cut the amount of hair products you use by half

If doing away with hair products is proving difficult, you can start by cutting the amounts of products you use by half. This will get them to last longer, put less strain on your hair, and still get you the results you’re looking for.

One of the simplest ways to achieve this is by washing your hair only once. The wash your hair twice recommendation is a gimmick that ensures your bottle of shampoo and conditioner drains faster so you can get a new one. One wash is more than enough!

Go for easy to manage styles 

Some hairstyles are attention-intensive and might need you to see a stylist all too often. This not only takes time but takes your money as well. Instead, opt for hairstyles that you can easily maintain at home and won’t cost you an arm and a leg.

Some cuts look great even if you let them grow wild for a while. These are perfect for the busy person that might not have mountains of time to visit a stylist or if you’re not looking to spend much on maintaining the look.

Cuts that don’t require heat styling and other styling products are often the best when you’re looking to save money without sacrificing your look. 

Forage for Coupons and Discounts!

Don’t be fooled. Even the beauty industry is packed with competition. Brands and stylists alike are aggressively fighting for your attention. That means you will get coupons and discounts for both services and hair care products with relative ease.

Take full advantage of such discounts. They can save you a pretty penny and still ensure you get your hair the best products and best professional care available. 

The best thing about getting special promos and discounts is that they cover a wide range of hair care products. Hair extensions and wigs also require you to splurge, but you can get discounts on them as well. You just have to be a little aggressive in foraging for the discounts. 

Shop around for hair stylists 

One of the greatest mistakes you can make is walking to the first hairstylist you find. The costs for styling hair are not regulated. Different shops will have different rates depending on the locality and the types of overheads they are facing.

When looking for a hairstylist, be sure to shop around. Compare different prices and services and find one that offers a good balance of both. This can save you money significantly without compromising the quality of service you and your hair get. 

Piggyback on qualified friends

 Do you have a friend who’s good at styling hair? Why not let him or her do your hair? It’s an excellent approach to looking good that will often cost you nothing or sometimes a fraction of what it would cost you to have the hair done by a professional.

What’s more, with a friend, your hair makeover presents a great opportunity for you to catch up and story-tell. There’ll be plenty of laughter and fun, and the quality of service you get is unparalleled. If you’re good at hairstyling, it can be an exchange of service. That brings us to the next tip.

Invest in your personal styling equipment

With a bit of skill you can do some simple but gorgeous hairstyles. You should consider investing in your equipment at home. It seems expensive at first, but think of the money and time it will save you in the long run.

All you have to do is dedicate a few minutes in front of the mirror each morning, and you can step out with whatever hairstyle you want. You can even have a new hairstyle each morning without spending a penny!

Thanks to the internet, you can also find great videos that walk you through simple, but jaw-dropping hairstyles that will look great on you. If you don’t have the skills yet, the short online videos can help you polish up and become your own professional hairstylist.

The Takeaway

Looking great doesn’t have to be expensive. It’s possible to have a gorgeous hairstyle on a budget. All you need to do is a little homework, be a bit hands-on, and make sure you get the best deals on the market.

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