Autumn Recipe – Apples Baked With Fruit and Nuts

Apples baked with fruit can go in the oven along with a roast or whatever else is in there, so long as the temperature is around the middling mark. They’re equally good whether you eat them hot as pudding with vanilla ice cream, or cold from the fridge for a fruity breakfast the next day. And of course there’s nothing to stop you having them with vanilla ice cream for breakfast, if you’re in the mood for living dangerously. Serves 6

Apples Baked With Fruit and Nuts Ingredients

6 heaped tbsp chopped dried fruit
150ml port or apple juice
6 large Bramley apples (approx. 220g each)
2 tbsp chopped nuts and seeds
2 tbsp honey or golden syrup

Soak the fruit – this can be a haphazard mix of whatever you have around: dates, prunes, apricots, raisins, sultanas, cranberries – in the port or apple juice for several hours, preferably overnight.

Preheat the oven to 180oC/160°C fan/gas mark 4.

Line a deep baking tin with enough foil to come up and over the apples once they are in. Wash and core the apples, score a line horizontally around their middles to stop them exploding while they’re cooking, and place them in the baking tin.

Drain the soaked fruit, reserving the port or apple juice.

Add nuts and seeds – try slivered hazelnuts or almonds with pumpkin and sunflower seeds – to the soaked fruit and pack the mixture in to the hollow centre of the apples. Don’t worry if it overflows. Drizzle each apple with honey or golden syrup and spoon the reserved port or apple juice across the top.

Loosely fold the foil over the apples and bake for 40 minutes.

Open the foil and bake uncovered for a further 10 minutes, until the apples are cooked but not collapsing. Allow the dish to sit for 10 minutes before serving with a generous topping of vanilla ice cream.

Apples Baked With Fruit and Nuts Recipe from Bill’s Restaurants cook book, Cook, Eat Smile.

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