Lock-down is having a profound effect on many of us, but it’s not just the adults who are finding their habits and daily lifestyle changing. Younger children and teenagers are now having to adapt in ways that none of us would have predicted and it is having some surprising effects.
All of the parents I know are doing an amazing job at creating a fun and happy environment for their kids. I’ve seen such creativity from my fellow mum friends when it comes to finding little ways to make their children smile. School work doesn’t have to be the main focus right now though and even teachers are freely admitting that giving our children a safe and happy place to thrive and get through these strange times is just as important as education.
One interesting thing that I have noticed is a sudden rise in some of our old classic books being dragged out of the attic and back into children’s bedrooms. My friend’s son is currently obsessed with ‘The Famous Five’ and ‘The Secret Seven’ and is flying through them at the same speeds we did in our childhood. My now teenage daughter used to read ‘The Faraway Tree’ with me and would giggle at the characters and ask so many questions about their lives and adventures. When I told her how our friends children are enjoying reading these books now, she responded with the same enthusiasm about them as she had all those years ago and we reminisced about how wonderful the stories had been.
Why Are Our Favourite Childhood Books Suddenly ‘Cool’ Again?…
Perhaps it’s because they conjure up thoughts of calmer, safer times? Or maybe there’s a certain magic hidden within those crinkled pages. A fondness and love for such beloved characters and their stories. One that somehow withstands the test of time and makes them ‘cool’ to readers of all ages throughout the years. To me, that’s the mark of a true classic.
When I was younger I would read Enid Blyton books all the time and worked my way through them as fast as my little fingers would allow me to flick through the pages. Is lock-down encouraging us to think about our own childhood and to take more time to read with our children? Whatever the reason these books are appearing back onto the shelves of bedrooms I’m glad. Whether they are the dusty old originals we grew up with or the more modern re-prints, the sense of escapism they give our children is very welcome right now.
What old books of yours have you re-read or passed onto your children? I would love to hear! Drop me a line in the comments below or come and say hi over on my Instagram! @lifestylelinked