Discovering CBD products

I’ve been interested in learning more about CBD products for a while now. Winter and colder weather is fast approaching and it seems like a good time to start considering the benefits of CBD and how they could work for me.

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I struggle with chronic fatigue and autoimmune issues and can often find myself in a lot of pain during a flare up. However, I’m not great at actually taking it easy and instead I’ve been looking at different forms of exercise and have joined a gym. Running (more like jogging) works really well as a form of exercise for me and I definitely want to continue this during winter. CBD products could be a great way for me to try and stay as pain free and relaxed as possible if they work.

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (shortened to CBD) is one of over a hundred organic compounds found inside hemp plants. Referred to as cannabinoids, this extended family works alongside smaller molecules to help plants produce enzymes and deter pests. When humans consume CBD and other cannabinoids it can interact with a vast network of receptors that exist inside all of us. The full extent of this interaction remains under investigation but could influence sleep, appetite, mood, and much more.

Why take CBD?

From what I’ve been reading on, CBD could be good for helping to ease aches and pains. It is thought that CBD may be able to reduce the pain perception for certain types of pain, including neuropathic.. It is still early days as we learn more about the effects but there may be a benefit. It may also help ease stress and anxiety and sleep issues.

What sort of products am I looking at taking?

I am currently looking into the various different ways to take CBD and the products that contain it. I’m excited to start thinking about the products that would work well for me and fit into my life. For me I think an oral CBD product would probably work best and I think this is where I’ll start. I also like the idea of gummies containing CBD. Oral CBD can even be added to food and drink to mask the taste.

You can purchase CBD ‘soft gels’ which are little capsules that can be taken orally and are tasteless and odourless. Perfect for anyone looking to quickly and easily add CBD into their daily routine.

Sublingual (under the tongue) CBD can be placed under the tongue until it is absorbed. This way offers rapid onset and involves zero preparation. It’s fast, easy, and discreet.

You can also get topical CBD products such as creams and even CBD that can be inhaled though e-liquids, extracts and inhalers. This isn’t the route I’ll be going down myself but it could work really well for some people!

I’ll be sure to let you know how I get on with my CBD journey and any discoveries or things that I notice along the way. I definitely think it is an interesting concept and could be a fantastic product to introduce into my day-to-day life! Have you tried CBD? How do you find that it works for you? Let me know in the comments below or on my Instagram @lifestylelinked now!


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