How to Style your Room to help you Sleep Better

Stylish Bedroom

You’re not getting enough sleep. It’s something we all know deep down as we groggily take our morning commute to work, already fantasising about climbing back into bed that evening. There’s so many reasons why we don’t have enough quality sleep, eating habits, lifestyle choices and stressful careers are just some of the most common influencers.

However, we’re taking it back to the place where sleep really matters – the bedroom. In this blog post, we reveal our simple tips and tricks on how to style your bedroom so you can catch a few more zzz’s.

Bring Nature Indoors

That’s right, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get green-fingered! According to the National Sleep Foundation, smell is an important ingredient in the recipe of sleep and lavender tops the leaderboard! Known to slow down our heartbeat and relax our muscles, the purple sprigs of lavender are the perfect night-time companion.

Rather than use synthetic air fresheners, purifiers and candles, invigorate your senses and induce sleep, by investing in a lavender plant. No, the plant doesn’t have to be a garish, overbearing thing in the corner of the room, if you don’t have much living space to spare or simply fancy making a statement, try one of these quirky ways to bring nature indoors.



Whether it’s clothes, shoes, bags or memories, there’s a hoarder inside all of us. Unfortunately, a cluttered room leads to a cluttered mind which in turn leads to an unsuccessful and restless night’s sleep (boo!). To create a serene and minimalist space, try out some of these insanely clever bedroom storage hacks and solutions.


Martha Stewart

Put down the Magnolia, it’s time for something a little different!

If you thought that decorating your room in warm, cosy colours was the way to go, you aren’t alone. However, research conducted by the Daily Mail suggests that warm bedroom colours increase our heart rate and blood pressure, ultimately discouraging relaxation. So, what are the best bedroom colours for sleep? The resounding winners are blue, green and grey!

Ideal Home

Top Tip: If you really want to make the most out of your bedroom colour scheme, choose a muted shade of blue as this colour helped Brits clock a refreshing average of 7 hours and 52 minutes of sleep in a sleep study conducted by the Travelodge.

Feng Shui those Furnishings

Creating a relaxing and healthy chi (energy) in your bedroom could be the key to achieving a good night’s sleep. First on the Feng Shui to-do list is bed positioning. To maximise positive chi, the bed, the cornerstone of the room, should be positioned as far away from the door as possible while still being able to see who enters and leaves the room.


The Spruce

Cut out the Light

At night, light is the enemy. The sleep experts at put this down to light’s ability to suppress melatonin, a hormone in the body responsible for inducing sleep. To prevent light from affecting your night’s sleep, consider installing heavy, black-out curtains and removing the TV and other electronics from your room (no more late night Netflix and chilling).

cut out light


Find your Zen in Bed

Whether you opt for a little greenery in your bedroom or choose to have a good spring clean, there’s one thing that we can’t ignore when it comes to a dreamy sleep – a good quality mattress.

More than one in ten Britons are bothered by an uncomfortable bed. This shocking statistic from The Great British Bedtime Report coupled with the UK’s poor sleep quality ranking in the Daily Mail proves some serious changes are needed to help us sleep better.

To improve the length and quality of sleep across the country, The Memory Foam Warehouse has developed the Zen Guru mattress. Combining convenience, style, sumptuous comfort and unfaltering support, the Zen Guru helps you to sleep better so you can wake up feeling refreshed.

Disclaimer: please note that unless otherwise stated some items featured have been provided on a review basis. This article also contains sponsored content and paid for advertorial.

help you Sleep Better

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