REN & Now To Sleep Pillow Spray Review

pillow spray

Sleeping is a daily battle for me, if I don’t sleep at night I’m falling asleep during the day which makes day to day work near impossible. When this gorgeous REN package arrived on my desk I felt a sense of delight and anticipation to try my new bedtime treats.

REN & Now To Sleep Pillow Spray is to be sprayed onto your pillow and bedding before you get into bed. The fragrance lasts all night and I felt instantly calmed as I inhaled the scent which is created using frankincense, lavender and hops. Lavender helps to relax the mind and body which helps to promote more restful sleep, frankincense and lavender work together to calm the mind and therefore it becomes easier to drift into a more peaceful sleep.

I wasn’t sure on how the pillow spray would smell initially, I can’t say I’ve ever owed a product which has been scented with frankincense so I was worried that it could potentially be an overpowering and perhaps unpleasant scent. Thankfully this was not the case, within moments I felt a lot calmer and could feel myself slowly start to drift off.

REN specialise in skincare so it is important that this product also follows suit. It is important to note that bad sleep patterns and habits also have a negative affect on the skin, in particular it can lead to dark circles, break outs and puffiness around the eyes are all visible signs of this.

The morning after using the spray I felt more alert from the moment I woke, usually I still feel exhausted due to a restless night. I also noticed my productivity levels were dramatically improved as I was able to concentrate better on my daily work. I’m delighted to have been given the opportunity to give this amazing product a try.

You can find the REN & Now to Sleep Pillow spray online here:

Here are a few of my favourite sleep tips to help aid the use of the pillow spray.

1. Switch off an hour before you want to switch off! If you’re aiming to be in bed and asleep before a certain time, make sure you switch off devices and relax before bedtime. Using a smart phone before bed can significantly prevent you from entering REM Sleep which results in a more restless night. Devices can also trick the mind into thinking it’s daytime, so it therefore keeps your brain more active instead of allowing it to naturally relax to help you fall asleep.
2. Have a relaxing bath. Having a bath helps you to relax and forget about the things that have bothered you during the day. Allow the soap to wash away any troubles from the day and you’ll find yourself calming by the second.
3. Set yourself a sleep routine. If it works for the younger ones, use it for yourself! Find what works for you, the only thing is to keep it consistent. So if having a bath, climbing into bed with a book and drifting off at 10pm works for you, keep repeating! Make sure you also aim to go to bed and wake at the same time to give your body the best start to the day.

Disclaimer: please note that unless otherwise stated some items featured have been provided on a review basis and affiliate links are present.

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